
Since I began university my only motivation has been to obtain my veterinary medicine degree. But some time ago in a Orientation to veterinary medicine class we had a presentation about “4A” an association that helps abandoned animals. It’s main function is giving shelter to abandoned animals, specially dogs, in order to then give them up for adoption. They also educate people about responsible pet ownership, regarding the care, well being and sterilization of their pet. More information can be found on their website: www.4a.uchile.cl

The truth is that today being a “4A” volunteer has greatly motivated me to push forward with this beautiful campaign of educating people and creating animal awareness.

3 comentarios:

cata fellmann dijo...
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cata fellmann dijo...

did they send you the e-mail with the shifts?

Miss dijo...

Since I began university my only motivation has been to obtain my veterinary medicine degree. But some time ago in a Orientation to veterinary medicine class we had a presentation about “4A” an association that helps abandoned animals. It’s main function is giving shelter to abandoned animals, specially dogs, in order to then give them up for adoption. They also educate people about responsible pet ownership, regarding the care, well being and sterilization of their pet. More information can be found on their website: www.4a.uchile.cl

The truth is that today being a “4A” volunteer has greatly motivated me to push forward with this beautiful campaign of educating people and creating animal awareness.

I'm glad to hear that! good luck Eve

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